Monday, February 21, 2011


That last post took me 15 minutes - I can't figure out how to send a document from my Pages app - I ended up pasting it into Monarch. Maybe someone out there can help me with this, but as you can see I am learning new vocabulary all the time

Preparing for sabbatical

This time around, along with planning experiences and securing lodging and transportation, I must learn a new language - the language of the blogosphere and iPad land. I remember the moment in third year French class in high school when I realized I can think in French - I don't have to translate any more!

I am looking forward to that moment with this new language, when I don't have to go through all the steps of translation to share something with those who are interested in what I'm doing - I'll just go directly to my iPad no matter where I am in the world, send it to the blog and voila! - done in a few minutes.

I'm not there yet.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Getting ready for sabbatical is a kind of Advent time - preparation for the new event - lots to plan and line up, but also being open to surprise

Sunday, February 13, 2011

gull lake right side up this is my favorite view in the whole world....until I get to Italy,perhaps

gull lake

Trying to email a picture

This is a test - seeing if I can email from my iPad to Blogger

This is a test - seeing if I can email from my iPad to Blogger

Sent from my iPad

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

getting started

First step to connect with all of you this summer is to start this blog.  Let's see how it goes...